Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Distance - 1847 kms
Average distance per day - 88 kms 
Time - 106 hours 45 minutes
Average time per day - 5 hours 5 minutes
Average speed -  17.3 km/hr
Climbing - 7448 metres

There were no epiphanies along the way. No sudden flashes of illumination. No becoming. No confronting fears. No need to find ourselves.

Instead this trip was a ruthless stripping back of the superfluous and inessential.   

What we have discovered is:

1. It would be easier in a car
2. It would be easier if we weighed less
3. The other side of the road is not smoother.
4. Head winds are always stronger than tailwinds.
5. Any food is good when you're hungry, even spam out of tin (when prepared carefully)
6. Public funding of research into making a better bike seat should be a government priority.
7.You can't always see roadkill, but you sure can smell it.
8. Chicken schnitzels are the energy source of champions. And hot chips. With chicken salt.
9. You don't need TV for entertainment. Go and talk to someone you don't know, it's a lot more interesting
10. Most of our problems are first world problems. 
12. You need very little to prosper, in fact the less you have to achieve something, the better the memories will be.
13. This type of experience could be addictive.

Thanks everyone for the phone msgs, blog comments and text msgs of support - they were all very much appreciated.

Now, what's next? We are open to suggestions.


  1. Seriously well done lads.....need some sort of speech here surely....um....how about "Never in the spirit of human cycling, has so much crap been eaten, by two so old, whilst pedaling from so low to so high." Maybe a squadron of spitfires flying over, a random bulldog and cigars all round....that should do it! As for next trip google up Pamir highway M41, get a sack of imodium and off you go!
    Cheers Dean

  2. Woo hoo! Well done, Tony. What an amazing experience for you both. You should be proud. Don't believe you about the Spam though...
    Sonya & Bruce

  3. We've made the headlines in Echuca - perhaps a slow news day. Thanks Lana for making contact.

