Sunday, 20 September 2015

Day 5: A game of 2 halves - Ita Warta to Outouie Creek

Distance - 81 kms 
Climbing - 421 metres 

The day broke overcast with a strong southerly. We're getting better organised in the morning, and hitting the road by 6.30am.

It would be fair to say that the roads east of Ita Warta are overdue for some maintenance.  It's been a while since a grader was out here.  The section south of the ranger station at Balcanoona is particularly bad - bloody big rocks, gravel, corrugations, pot holes. Makes for tough work on the tredley!

The ride to Balcanoona through the Gammon Ranges National Park and the Itolowie Gorge are spectacular.  Pretty much down hill all the way as well.

We had lunch at Balcanoona in the shearing shed. I had a quick shower as it will be the last chance for a few days.

The ride to the camping spot was a shocker; previously mentioned roads plus a stiff breeze made for a slow old trip.

Fabulous camping spot in a creek, under a large gum tree in the middle of nowhere tonight.

Tea is fried spam in buttered chicken sauce with rice. A culinary triumph of bush cuisine.  Check out the photos. Bet you wish you were here!

In bed at sundown seeing who can spot the most satellites. No wind, bright stars, silence broken only by a donkey and goats in the far distance.

Ita Warta

Entering Italowie Gorge - beautiful

Middle of nowhere again

Woolshed at Balcanoona

Camping in a creek

Spam and madras curry sauce

1 comment:

  1. Well done boys it looks hot dry thirsty work. Not far now to the top.xx
