Distance - 85 kms
Climbing - 138 metres
View the ride here:
The day ahead would take us from NSW back into Victoria. The view out of the window was largely the same as the previous 1000kms except for the number of vehicles. We had gone from Prado country to multi-wheeler territory.
The redeeming feature was that the road is smooth and the good people of NSW have placed a convenient continuous white line to follow. When out in the sticks, you need to focus ahead to select the smoothest line. On national highway 20, a few meters ahead is enough. I kept a good distance from Tony's rear wheel so that I didn't accidentally run up his "Kracka LFL"
A slight breeze over the left shoulder allowed us to take our first fuel break at 40 out and enter Robinvale over the Murray at 12.30.
Being a windmill admirer from way back, I'm pleased to announce that Robinvale has "the largest windmill in the Southern Hemisphere"
A group of "adventure" motorcyclists have just rocked up on the adjacent camping spot. It turns out that they are riding the same route as we have taken. I have included a photo for Kaths' benefit.
The BMW at the bottom would be more my style Tony! JC